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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Top 10 Workplace Safety Tips Every Employee Should Know

Workplace safety cannot exist on best practice guidelines and policies alone. A safe working environment is based on how well the people, in both management and on the factory floor, adhere to

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Angle Grinder

An angle grinder is a hand-held tool carried to the work, with the disc secured at an angle to the body of the grinder.

Hand-held angle grinders, which now are being

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

أخطار المناولة اليدوية (Manual Handling)، المخاطر والإجراءات الرقابية

معلومات رئيسة
· المناولة اليدوية هي سبب شائع لإصابة العضلات والعظام مثل:
- الإصابات في الظهر والأوتار والأربطة، و
- العضلات واضطراب الطرف العلوي ذات الصلة بالعمل (WRULD)

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Hazards Related to Confined Space

 Confined Space Definitions

  • Limited opening for entry and exit.
  • Unfavorable natural ventilation.
  • Not designed for continuous worker occupancy.
  • Excavation deeper than 1.5 meter.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Fire Prevention- Extinguishers and Fire Types

The Fire Triangle:
The fire triangles or combustion triangles or ″fire diamond″ are simple models for understanding the necessary ingredients for most fires.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Eye Injuries

Eye-Related Injuries:

Most of the causes contributed to these injuries like;
  • Use of inappropriate eye protection. 
  • Neglecting Safety Rules and procedures, Improper guards and inspection. 
  • Exposure to chemical products, Flying particles or slices. 
  • Falling or misdirected objects that ejected by tools or blown by wind.



Excavation is one of the most hazardous types of work that puts people at risk.

Excavation Main Hazards: 
  • Contact with underground power cables/pressurized pipe.
  • Excavations collapsing and burying or injuring people working in them.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Office Ergonomics

The term "ergonomics" is derived from two Greek words: "ergon," meaning work, and "nomoi," meaning natural laws. Ergonomists study human capabilities in relationship to work demands.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Hose and coupling

  • Hoses and coupling are mainly used in Oil & Gas plant for: 
Utility stations: supply water, plant air, steam and N2
– Hydraulic oil: torquing operation etc.
– Fuel and Chemical transfer

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Loose-fitting Clothes & Jewelry

When you work in a manufacturing plant, personal protective equipment such as gloves can be a major safety factor. Gloves protect your hands from heat and other temperature concerns, chemicals, and cuts and bruises.

Know Your Plastics to Safeguard Your Health

Plastics have replaced many natural materials such as metal, wood, rope and glass due to their low cost, light weight, convenience, flexibility, and versatility. However, using plastic is not without drawbacks. It does not breakdown

Sunday, April 23, 2017

التسلسل الهرمي للسيطرة على المخاطر

لتبسيط التسلسل الهرمي لسيطرة على اي مخاطر ناتجة عن بيئة العمل ارفقت لكم هذة الصورة المبسطة والتي سوف نشرحها خطوة خطوة.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

نصائح وارشادات عند استخدام السلالم المحمولة

العمل على السلالم عادة عمل غير روتيني ولذالك لا يؤخذ بالاعتبار جانب السلامة بمحمل الجد مما يؤدي الى حوادث عدة.

في الدول والشركات الحريصة على سلامة موظفيها يحرص على تدريب الاشخاص على كيفية استخدام السلالم, قد يبدو الامر مبالغ فية من وجهه نظر الغير لكن ما سجل من حوادث السقوط اعطى انطباع ان الغالبية لا يعرفون الاساليب الصحيحة لاستخدام السلام مما يؤدي الى اصاباتهم اصابات بليغة.